Java 9 Features and Improvements Edureka

There are several enhancements made to the Streaming API. The new thing is that Java 9 brings in “Modules” which is a great way to code and configure your application. It also brings in http2 client, which makes it easy to make HTTP calls or restful calls from our java code. The second step is “Processing.” i.e., to process the data itself.

Here on Javascript, inappropriate efforts to synchronization are flagged with knowing the risks and reported to the user. Classes and edges were quite open having no restrictions that were before the release of Java 15 and due to this each and each class could receive it. Besides the above important features, Java 14 has even deployed numerous new features that are completely ready for production. It is extremely famous as it is very simple because it’s easy to learn, fast, multipurpose, and has thousands of useful ways in removing bugs and errors for several developers. JVM API aids for the one agenda which can operate programmers and techniques.

java 9 features

Java SE 9 removes the ability to select the JRE at launch time via the Multiple JRE feature. Also the JVM TI hprof agent and the jhat tool are removed as well. CLDR describes the locale data produced by the Unicode CLDR project.

Convenience Factory Methods for Collections

As an optional phase between the phases of compile time and run time. Link time requires a linking tool that assembles and optimizes a set of modules and their transitive dependencies to create a runtime image or executable. A multirelease JAR contains additional, versioned directories for classes and resources specific to particular Java platform releases. Specify versioned directories with the jar tool’s –release option.

  • It looks really promising step to solve the dependency hell often seen in large application where jars with different versions are not compatible with each other.
  • The first feature is defining your variables using the “var” keyword like JavaScript but not exactly like JavaScript.
  • It also allows auto removal for automatically created classes and set the corresponding feature attributes during BeanInfo generation at runtime.
  • Jshell is much like what we have command window in linux OS.
  • The API is intended to be utilized by the classes in the JDK and not by application classes.
  • This project will create a web server that is very basic and will only be able to serve static files.

But for local usage, i.e. for noncommercial usage, JDK 8 public updates will be available till Dec 2020. Java 9 introducing a new API under java.awt.image package, it allows a set of images with different resolutions to be encapsulated into a single multi-resolution image. However, it still not provide a way to create a private method in Interface. Java 9 will provide a way to have a private method in an interface. This feature will really be useful to avoid redundant code and promote code reusability.

Java 13

Modern applications are typically deployed through Java Web Start , native OS packaging systems, or active installers. These technologies have their own methods to manage the JREs needed by finding or downloading and updating the required JRE as needed. The JShell API enables applications to leverage REPL functionality. Removes rt.jar and tools.jar from the Java runtime image. Java Platform, Standard Edition 9 is a major feature release. The following summarizes features and enhancements in Java SE 9 and in JDK 9, Oracle’s implementation of Java SE 9.

We can use specific version by setting property of jdk.gtk.version. Java new version allows Java graphical applications to use GTK version on Linux. Nashorn parser API is located into jdk.nashorn.api.tree package. This stack-walking API allows access to Class objects, if the stack walker is configured.


If an interface has one and only one abstract method, then it is called as a function interface. Example of inbuilt function interfaces are Runnable interface which has the run () method i.e. an abstract method. Another example is a Comparator interface in java which has the compareTo() abstract method. Now let’s discuss some of the key features of all the latest versions PHP hosting for your website of Java starting from JDK 8 till JDK 11. Just go through the below concepts of the features of Java 8, 9, 10 and 11 for getting a better clarity on each feature and its usage. In this post, we coveredJava 9 new features.Java 9 is coming up with modular JVM which is going to be one of the defining features of Java 9 along with a number of improvements in the JDK.

Which framework is mostly used in Java?

Spring is one of the most widely-used Java frameworks primarily for the development of web applications.

Jshell is much like what we have command window in linux OS. It has lots of other capabilities, other than executing simple code snippets. So, these were all about Java 9 and new Java 9 features.

Java 9’s modularity is a game-changer

This annotation makes it possible to define that the body method or the constructor of the annotated method does not perform potentially dangerous operations on its parameter varargs. Now the annotation can be used on private instance methods. Indeed, it is the first time that the JCP executive committee, “Java Community Process” , votes no for its release. You will be able to discover through this article a summary of the main new features that this version brings. Java’s new version includes a common logging system and logging framework for all elements of the JVM.

What is the main goal of Java 9?

The main goals for Java 9 are to: Make the Java Standard Edition platform, and the JDK, more navigable to scale down for small computing devices. Improve the overall security and maintain not only the JDK but the Java Implementations in general. Allow overall improved application performance.

Information is easier to locate, a search field is available, and modal dialog boxes are no longer used. The keytool key and certificate management utility can create PKCS12 keystores. Configurations roughly equivalent in content to each of the Compact Profiles defined in Java SE 8. Java added some new features to Nashorn in the 6th edition of ECMA-62. Java added Parser API which allows use to Enable applications, in server-side framework, particular IDEs etc..

In this article, we will look into Java 9 features in detail. A project to explore more about the new features of Java 8, 9, … The concatenation byte-code has been replaced by an InvokeDynamic call as well as a bootstrap method that will generate the concat call. Jdeprscan scans classes to check the deprecated API usage of Java.

java 9 features

A frame is destroyed when the method invocation completes. Each frame on a stack contains its own array of local variables, as well as its own operand stack, return value, and reference to the runtime constant pool of the current method’s class. Prior to Java 5, the only way to spawn a new process was to use the Runtime.getRuntime().exec() method.

In Java 9, JDK itself has divided into set of modules to make it more lightweight. Concurrent Mark Sweep garbage collector is also deprecated with the intention to speed up the development of other garbage collectors in the HotSpot virtual machine. Java 9 launched a new feature that enables us to practice diamond operators with an anonymous inner class. Practiscing the diamond with anonymous classes was not supported in Java 7.

It enables Java code to inform that a spin loop is executing. A spin loop repeatedly checks to see if a condition is true, such as when a lock can be acquired, after which some computation can be safely performed followed by the release of the lock. This API is purely a hint, and carries no semantic behavior requirements. The @Deprecated annotation is improved to provide better information about the status and intended disposition of an API. Standard XML catalog API is added which supports the organization for the Advancement of OASIS XML Catalogs version 1.1.

So, using export we can say which packages inside this module we want to expose out to which other modules. Another cool tool that was introduced in Java 9 is the Java Shell or the J Shell. JSHELL is a REPL tool which stands for read, evaluate print and loop. Without creating any java classes with main method, we can quickly start typing our java code and see the output of it. Under your JDK, if you go to the bin folder then you will find jshell.